Joint European and National Astronomical Meeting for 1997

JENAM - 97

2 - 5 July 1997

H O T E L   R E S E R V A T I O N   F O R M

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Please complete the Payment Form as well.

Submit this form by normal post or fax to the Contact address of the Local Organising Committee.

Deadline for guaranteed reservation and minimum cancellation fees: March 15, 1997

Direct questions to:

Family Name: .............. First name: ............... Initials: .......

E-mail: .................................................................

Phone number: ...................... Fax number: ........................

Institution: ............................................................

Postal address: .........................................................


Choose the type of room that suits you best. If more rooms are needed, please duplicate this form.
Single room ..... Double room ...... Double room (single occupancy) ..... 
(Number of single rooms is limited, please indicate a second choice, 
by checking a second option.) 
Non-Smoking ...... Special Needs: ....................................... 

For all types of room, print names of occupants of each room: 
Room 1: ................................................................. 

Room 2: ................................................................. 

Should the LOC choose your room mates? (yes/no) ......................... 
Sex of room mates: (M/F/Any) ............................................ 
Arrival Date: ............ Time: ........... Departure Date: ............ 
Number of persons: ....... Number of nights ...... 

                                          Signature: ................. 

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