Ενημερωτικό Δελτίο 305 - Ιούλιος 2023

  1. Short News
  2. The 16th Conference of Hel.A.S.
  3. Upcoming Astronomy Meetings and Schools in Greece
  4. About this Newsletter
1. Short News

The Society would like to congratulate Savvas Raptis who has recently successfully defended his PhD thesis entitled "High-speed jets and related phenomena at Earth’s bow shock and magnetosheath" at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden under the supervision of Prof. Tomas Karlsson. Dr. Raptis has since moved as a postdoctoral researcher at the Applied Physics Laboratory of Johns Hopkins University (USA). The Society extends its best wishes for further success in his professional pursuits.

The Society would like to congratulate Dr. Ioanna Psaradaki who has recently been awarded a Chandra/HETGS Postdoctoral Associate position at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and will be moving to Cambridge, MA soon. The Society extends its best wishes for further success in her professional pursuits.

2. The 16th Conference of Hel.A.S.

The Society would like to thank all the members who participated in the 16th Conference of Hel.A.S. and made it a successful event.

We would also like to remind that all presenters have the opportunity to upload, if they wish, their contributions (oral & poster) in an online community within Zenodo. The database will be public and all contributions will be visible/accessible through the link:. https://zenodo.org/communities/helas16-athens2023/


3. Upcoming Astronomy Meetings and Schools in Greece
4. About this Newsletter

This Newsletter was sent to all members of Hel.A.S. who have e-mail access. The next edition of the Newsletter will be mailed around August 1, 2023. Please send your announcements (e.g., appointments / departures, job openings, research opportunities, awards, conferences in Greece) or comments before July 25, 2023. If you do not wish to receive future issues of this Newsletter or the e-mail address to which it was sent is not your preferred one, please inform the Secretary of Hel.A.S. at secretary@helas.gr.


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